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Monday, 29 September 2008

Help I have Moth in My Persian Rugs.

Help I have Moth in My Persian Rugs.

It was only yesterday at a friend’s party when his Mum asked me how to deal with the moth infestation she found under her Persian Carpet. As usual this beautiful oriental carpet was left lying in the same spot for almost a decade never been vacuumed underneath or have had any decent cleaning. Sounds like your carpet? Then read on.
If you catch the infestation in early stages you may be able to get rid of it just by following few simple steps and save your carpets.
Don't wait until you see moth flying around in your room do something now. Just as a part of your housekeeping lift your rugs once every couple of months, it is better to do it more often but we will stick to this for now, and lay it on the floor face down and vacuum the back. Do this on a hard floor if you can. This has two vital benefits. You will reduce the build up of grit inside your rug and moth will not be able to settle between your rug and the floor thus reducing the chances of them establishing and destroying your rug. Providing that the rug is of manageable size you can put it outside on a sunny day and leave in full sun for several hours which will get rid of moth larvae as well as odours and moisture. Again give it a good vacuum before taking it back in. Moth hate being disturbed, so make life as uncomfortable as you can and they will go away without having to use any insecticides.
For those who realised that they had a moth problem after the damage had been done can still follow the above practises and get rid of moth. As a preventative measure you can sprinkle tiny amount of general insect dust into the cracks and crevices on your floor and under your rugs.

For a professional Carpet and Rug cleaning please contact us.

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